Graphic & Web Designer

based in Western Massachusetts

Graphic & Web Design

Graphic Design and Computer Development has been one of Demi's main passions and has worked professionally in this field for 5 years, with a focus on collaboration with small and local business. In 2022, she started "Demitria Media" as a way to better serve her clients.

"DemiDiaries" Multimedia, 2016-2019

This collection includes years worth of pages from Demi's journals and diaries before her Sun's birth in 2020. She created numerous installments of her work, showing at local art galleries and events.

Travel Writing & Photography

Before the birth of her Sun, Demi spent ten years backpacking around the world. These are her stories.

Mother, Writer, and Multimedia Artist with focus in graphic and web design. I make websites, design content of all kinds, and am passionate about exploring creative endeavors with my local community.

Born and raised in the hills of Western Massachusetts, I currently reside here with my three year old Sun while finishing my degree and running my freelance graphic design business.

Let's connect and collaborate!